Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Fun Facts About Apps

Apps have taken the world by storm and there is now quite literally an app for everything. People are using apps more and more as part of their everyday lives and they can make your life a lot easier too.
5 Fun Facts About Apps
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Next time you are talking about apps with your friends you can also impress them with these fun facts.

1. First There Was App Store

The first app store to launch was Apple's App Store, which opened its ‘doors' on July 10th, 2008. When App Store launched it only had 500 apps in store but today the number is closer to 300,000 apps.

Although a lot of people think that apps and iPhone all started together, the app store actually opened a year after the iPhone's launch. The other companies were quick to follow.

Android opened its app store in October 2008 with Windows being the last to get in on the action a year later.

2. More Mobiles Than Humans

Apps have risen in popularity very rapidly. It is estimated that around 4 billion apps have now been downloaded worldwide with this number rising the fastest in the period between 2010 and 2011. We have also become a very mobile phone obsessed species. It is thought that in 2016 the number of mobile phones on the planet will surpass the human population.

The increasing popularity of smartphones will also mean that we need a lot more data services. According to some surveys this might end up putting pressure on governments since the networks will need to provide a reliable service to a fast growing consumer-base.

3. Big Money

The app market is also big business at the moment. Average cost for an app is around £2 and majority of the gaming apps cost around £1.

However, the prices have been steadily declining from the start and majority of the apps are now free to download. But there are other ways of making money with your apps. Gaming apps in particular often include features that you need to pay for.

According to Tab Times Apple has paid around £6 billion to the app developers in revenue. The percentage that app developers make with their apps is quite close to 70% on all the major app stores.

4. Gaming And Social Media

The most common app on a smartphone is the e-mail app. But the apps that people spend the most time using are social media and gaming apps. Over 70% of the time when people use their mobile phones they are playing games or using social media.

The great news for the many gaming apps is that because of cross-platform software like Marmalade people are able to enjoy the same apps no matter what operating system they're on. This has really helped app developers make the most out of their product.

5. Localisation Is Key

If you are getting into the app market or perhaps you have a small business then localisation is the way to do it. 61% of mobile and tablet users conduct local searches on their devices. Having an app for your business is a great way to get more publicity.

Author Bio:
Sofia loves apps and the way they make a lot of mundane tasks seem a lot more fun. When she isn't searching for new apps she likes to spend time learning more about the Spanish language and culture.
Posted By: Unknown

5 Fun Facts About Apps

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